Easy Avi Divx Xvid to DVD Burner v2.7.37 繁體中文正式版(製作高品質DVD的編排與燒錄軟體)
安裝英文版後把啟動選項取消,再執行“Easy Avi Divx Xvid to DVD Burner 繁中自解壓縮檔”覆蓋即可。
Easy AVI DIVX XVID to DVD Burner 製作高品質DVD的編排與燒錄軟體,它可幫助你轉
換AVI、Divx、Xvid、MPEG-1、WMV、RM等影片格式到標準DVD的 MPEG-2格式,並集結燒
它串流格式,它也可以產生DVD 映射文件,儲存到硬碟,或是從硬碟直接把DVD映像文件
Key Features of Easy Avi/Divx/Xvid to DVD Burner
* Creates DVD from Avi,Div,DivX,XVid files and burn to blank DVD disc
* Generate DVD image and save to hard disk
* Burn hard disk DVD image to blank DVD disc
* Super fast conversion speed provided as it full supports Intel
Pentium D Dual-Core Processor and AMD Athlon? 64 X 2 Dual-Core Processor
which ensures full use of your CPU
* Merge up to 3 hours of multiple movies or episodic files to one DVD
* Multithreading and batch conversion are supported and the more files
you convert the faster Easy Avi/Divx/Xvid to DVD Burner works than other
DVD creators
* So easy to use that only ONE click is enough to burn a DVD after you
loaded the video files
* Supports device types include DVD-R/ DVD+R/ DVD-RW/ DVD+RW
* Support NTSC and PAL
* Support 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratio
* Add letterbox to keep the original aspect ratio
* All encoders/codec are built-in and any supported conversion can be
done once you downloading the software
* Make excellent output quality
* Neat User Interface,very easy to use,without any complicated
parameter settings
* No ASPI drivers needed
* Lifetime FREE Technical Support and FREE upgrade
OS: Windows 98//ME/NT/2000/2003/XP/VISTA
Amadis AVI DIVX XVID to DVD Creator v1.1.4 英文正式版(將AVI/DIVX/XVID轉換成為DVD影片軟體)
Amond Avi Wmv Mpeg Mov Divx Flv Xvid Mp3 Converter v1.2.5 英文正式版(音視頻轉換軟體)
Acala AVI DivX MPEG XviD VOB To PSP v2.5.9 英文正式版(PSP電影轉換軟體)
Amond AVI WMV MPEG MOV DIVX FLV XVID MP3 Video Converter v2.4 英文正式版(視頻轉碼軟體)
A-Z AVI DIVX XVID Converter v5.88 英文正式版(視頻文件格式轉換軟體)
Easy MPEG/AVI/DIVX/WMV/RM to DVD v2.0.15 繁體中文正式版(轉換AVI、Divx、Xvid、MPEG-1、WMV、RM等影片格式到標準DVD的MPEG-2格式軟體)
Amond AVI WMV MPEG MOV DIVX FLV XVID MP3 Video Converter v2.2 英文正式版(音視頻轉換軟體)